Semester is nearly coming to an end and I have papers to write. So if anyone wants to fill in some posts on the foreign object, you can email me the stories.
Highlights for this week saw Lashley almost pulling off regicide on King Booker. Regal looking like a ravishing wench for the amusement of Pirate Paul on Smackdown, and Angle being the first wrestler to cripple Randy Orton 3 consecutive times in one match.
On RAW, Vince was about to take out Shawn Michaels but was interuppted by the lord our god himself. Vince tried to enter the ring with a chair but fireworks and explosions kept blocking his entrance. Is there a higher order at work here or was the guy operating Kane's pyro having a little bit of fun.
RVD will be fighting Sheldon Benjamin in the first ever title vs briefcase match as both wrestlers lost their matchups against Charlie Hass for Sheldon and the entire Spirit Squad vs. Mr. Money in the Bank.
Since I am a super genius with a 12 level intellect i can field this one.
No one wrestler can protray god I feel (not even Mordecai though he can try). Having Norman Smiley be god is beyond the bounds of good taste, Smiley would be struck dead by Yawheh him/herself if it were attempted.
In the match, vince will be ready to deal the death blow to HBK after Shane and the boss trample him. Vince with a chair raised will spout "Where is your God now Michaels?"
Then a ray of light will shine on vince, as ode to joy is being played. Instead of being mind raped like on Evangelion, Vince will see the light and say: "Yes, I understand now!!!! Yes"
Vince then leaves the ring and wrestling altogether. Setting up the "search for vince" storyline, that leads HBK to buddist mountain to find a "enlighten" McMahon.
If no one wrestler can portray God, does that mean we will have to fuse a bunch of wrestlers together and create our own God? Will we then be able to fill in the gaps in our souls? Better remember your special belt that deflects impacts and pretentious philosophical/theological plotlines, because even your 12th level intellect won't be able to protect you from that.
Besides, you can't have Thor in the WWE. You already have a guy with long hair wielding a giant hammer. How can you have two wrestlers with the same gimmick, it will confuse the fans. Even if one spits water and the other shoot lightning, its still too similar.
I just wish they would use a new gimmick, or maybe one that hasn't been used in a while. Specifically, the "invisible wrestler" gimmick comes to mind. esuarez probably knows where that came from.
I think it matches perfectly with the Vince Vs. God angle. I mean, who doesn't want to watch Vince wrestle an invisible "God" on TV. With the advances in bluescreen technology these days, we could watch Vince actually take a chairshot from an unseen foe.
Admit it, you want to see a floating chair in the WWE.
Also, in a year, you could re-use the technology to have ghost wrestlers. Undertaker could summon the soul of the British Bulldog to be his tag partner. Or he could summon Brock Lesner's WWE career to be his tag partner. They're equally dead.
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