Sometimes the last champion, who by beating everyone in his path or who had no one to wrestle anymore before bankrupancy sets in, gets to hold on to the strap by fact that no one asked for it back. Rhino reminded us of this loop hole this week as he dove horn first into his basement to retrieve the ECW world heavyweight championship.
Rhino opened TNA Impact by stating in the ring, that he was asked to come on aboard WWE's ECW floating garbage barge, but the War Machine declined the offer cause he's TNA EXTREME!!! (and under long term contract). Rhino was into it. Stating "Oh, I'm Feeling It" shouting about the lawyer letters that stated that he must return the ECW belt to Vince McMahon, who probably needed it for a DX skit. Rhino refused, and held the prize in a bag over his head. Whether the belt was in there or if it was Jake the Snake's Snake - Damien is your call. Rhino apparently feeling it some more, left the ring saying that he should done what he was about to do five years ago.
Here's what I think he should have done five years ago, but how business savvy can a War Machine be? Grumbling all the way to the parking lot, Rhino did his best impression of hobo, throwing the ECW title bag into an oil drum and lighting it on fire. Signifying the death of ECW and what not. Kind of unnecessary cause this week's ECW presented a better case that the extreme wrestling group was no more.

Test then battered a now love struck Dreamer. To further the whole death of ECW symbolism the Undertaker fought the Big Show in the main event with interference by the Great Khali. Yeah, sounds like ECW to me.
Now last week, WWE presented 7 hours of programming between the various network shows and Saturday Night's Main Event. Of those hours the only thing worth watching was Mick Foley calling out to Flair that there will be no rematch for him. No way, and how, not going to happen. This is funny because between Monty Brown, Rhino and the Big Show, these three have called out just about everyone in wrestling and a few death sport guys to a match. Mick said no way all the way from the safety of a TV studio. Like always, he's hardcore.

Also John Cena learned some math.
Randy Orton's began his new angle, which I will feature in a little how-to-segment called:
Randy's road to rapi....I mean dating Hulk Hogan's daughter
Step 1: Earn the girl's trust by challenging her father to match.

Other than that DX was so bored they spent their time hawking what could be the ugliest shirt ever. Compound that with a real Mark Henry injury during Saturday's Night Main Event and you have entertainment for all the wrong reasons.
When TNA wasn't burning belts, they had a PPV which ended with Sting getting a title shot against Jarrett at the next PPV. ECW may be dead but it looks like WCW is alive and well.
Highlight of the Week -
Only one way it can end, with the GORE, GORE, GORE.....I'm feeling it.
OK, the end is very Sporing nigh! HHH and HBK have become Super Deformed Anime Charachters!!! Next week HHH will power up and become more powerful than he has ever become before while HBK will battle Vince McMan who has tunred himself into bubble gum.
Also, I believe next week will be the wedding of Paul Hamon and Billy Gun... or wait, was it Tommy Dreamer and Chuck Palumbo... I can't remember, I'm getting my WWE stories all mixed up. I mean, they all look exactly the same. I wonder why that is.
Also I hear that Brooke Hogan, Randy Orton, and Lita are all supposed to pilot giant mech-type angel clones in order to save mankind. Hogan will be donning a pair of white gloves and shades and will grunt dis-approvingly at the appropriate moments and begin to act like a dick.
And what has become of Lur-leen, HHH's beloved sledgehammer? Find out next week on Neon Genesis WWE Z on the Logo network (rebroadcast on Bravo).
Also what the heck happned to Kane. My best guess is after Infinite Kane Crisis on Mupitple Earths all involving Kanes in a grand Civil War.
We find out whose sidewere on, by Kane being reconned into continuity by having his identity once again be secret because the scarlet witch made us all forget about everything.
Alligators? Eggs? I'm so confused! Stop using all this advanced math jargon! Its too much for my fungal brain to handle!
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